When sending an order by letter:
(i) include full details of description, quantities and prices and quote catalogue numbers, if any;
(ii) state your requirements as to delivery- place, date, mode of transport and whether to be sent carriage paid, or carriage forward
(iii) confirm the terms of payment agreed in preliminary negotiations
Example 1
Dear Sirs
Please send us by return copies of the following books on the usual terms of 25% off published prices:
No. of Copies Title Author Published Price
15 A Textbook of Economics Hanson $4.50
20 Modern Office Practice Warson $2.95
20 English for Business Studies Gartside $2.50
Yours faithfully
Example 2
Dear Sirs
Confirming the order we placed with you by telephone this morning, we wish you to supply:
3 "Excelda Studio" Typewriters, elite type, in pale blue
at the list price of $125 each, less 40% trade discount, carriage forward.
These machines are urgently required and we understand that you are arranging for immediate delivery from stock.
Yours faithfully
Example 3
February 14, 20.............
Lindsay Office Products
P.O. Box 1879
Spokane, Washington 98989
Subject: Furniture and equipment order
Please ship the following items from your sales catalogue dated January 31, 20............. :
Conference Desk HN-33080-WB Sandalwood 2 $478.60 ea
Credenza HN-36887-WK Sandalwood 2 $431.40 ea
Executive Chair HP-56563-SE Toasted Tan 4 $422.00 ea
File Cabinet HN-5344c-K Beige 2 $135.90 ea
Letter Tray KS-299907-A Black 6 $16.95 ea
The items ordered above should be shipped C.O.D. to this address:
City of Austin
P.O. Box 96
Austin, Texas 78767-0096
The costs above reflect a discount of 10%, with net due in 30 days after the invoice date. The merchandised is tobe shipped by your company's own truck line at a rate of 7 percent of the total net cost.
We are remodeling our offices and have a target completion date of March 30, 20............ If there is any reason you can see that you can keep your part of this schedule, please let me know immediately.
Bernice Chamala
Supervisor, Clerical Services
Example 4
August 15, 20..............
Ms. Vicky Reezel
SM Store
Dear Ms. Reezel
Please enter our order No. 2459 for the following:
3 Mecca, G-23, size 24" 26" @$150-$450
2 Mecca, G-25, size 22" 23" @$70-$140
2 Merced, G-45, size 45" 47" @$100-$200
We shall appreciate your shipping these goods so that they will reach us not later than August 25, billing them f.o.b. San Fernando, Pampanga, at site 35, n/60 your usual term.
Your faithfully